$op = $_GET['p'];
if($op < 1){$op = 1;}
if($_GET['p'] > 0){$_GET['p'] = $_GET['p'] - 1;}
$begin = $_GET['p'] * 20;
$forum1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `F_forums` WHERE `id`='".$_GET['id']."'");
$forum = mysql_fetch_object($forum1);
if($forum->id < 1){
$_GET['id'] = 1;
$forum1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `F_forums` WHERE `id`='1'");
$forum = mysql_fetch_object($forum1);
$total = ceil($forum->totalthreads / 30);
if($_GET['today'] == 1){$total = 0;$forum->name = "Pokemon Legion - Today's Posts (Last 30)";}
else if($_POST['forum']){$total = 0;$forum->name = "Pokemon Legion - Forum Search";}
else if($_GET['user'] != ""){$total = 0;$forum->name = "Pokemon Legion - Forum Search : ".$_POST['user'];}
else {
if($forum->id != 16){
if(check_power($user->adm,$forum->id,"p1") && check_power($user->adm,$forum->id,"p5")){$yes = 1;}
if($yes != 1){
echo Message("You are not supposed to view this!");
include 'footer.php';
if($forum->id == 16){
#Clan Forums
$clanx = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `clans` WHERE `id` = '$user->clan'");
$clan = mysql_fetch_object($clanx);
$clanpowerx = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `clanrank` WHERE `rank` = '$user->clanrank' AND `clanid` = '$user->clan'");
$clanpower = mysql_fetch_object($clanpowerx);
if($clan->id > 0)
$clany = $clan->id;
$preview = 1;
$forum->name = $clan->name." Clan Forum";
$forum->description = "The official forums of your clan ".$clan->name;
$forum->totalposts = $clan->totalposts;
$forum->totalthreads = $clan->totalthreads;
$forum->lastpostid = $clan->lastpostid;
$forum->lastpostn = $clan->lastpostn;
if($clan->lastposttime == ""){
$forum->lastposttime = 0;
$forum->lastposttime = $clan->lastposttime;
$forum->lastpostu = $clan->lastpostu;
Pokemon Legion Forums < name; ?>
name; ?>
'$time2' ORDER BY `lasttime` DESC LIMIT $begin,30")or die(mysql_error());
if($_POST['forum'] > 0){
$last1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `F_threads` WHERE `topic` LIKE '%".$_POST['search']."%' AND `forumid` = '".$_POST['forum']."' AND `clan` = '$clany' ORDER BY stick ASC,lasttime DESC LIMIT 0,30")or die(mysql_error());
$last1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `F_threads` WHERE `topic` LIKE '%".$_POST['search']."%' ORDER BY stick ASC,lasttime DESC LIMIT 0,30")or die(mysql_error());
else if($_GET['user'] != ""){
$last1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `F_threads` WHERE `createname` = '".$_GET['user']."' AND `clan` = '0' ORDER BY stick ASC,lasttime DESC LIMIT $begin,20")or die(mysql_error());
$last1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `F_threads` WHERE `forumid`='".$_GET['id']."' AND `clan` = '$clany' ORDER BY stick ASC,lasttime DESC LIMIT $begin,20")or die(mysql_error());
while($last = mysql_fetch_object($last1)){
$user_stick=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT `my_sticky` from `F_users` WHERE `username`='$last->createname'"));
if($last->stick != 2){
if($last->stat == 0){$Xyz = "!";}
else { $Xyz = "X";}
$image = "../img/icon/".$last->stickpic.".gif";
if($last->stickpic == "Giratina" || $last->stickpic == "Kyogre"){$second = "".$Xyz."";}
else if($last->stickpic == "Rayquaza" ){$second = "".$Xyz."";}
else{$second = "".$Xyz."";}
if($btop == 0){$btop=0;$btops = " style='border-top:1px solid black;'";$btopz="border-top:1px solid black;";}else{$btops="";$btopz="";}
$image = "../img/icon/Pikachu.gif";$second = " ";
if($last->stat > 0){$image = "../img/icon/Electrode.gif";$second = "X";}
$pagez = "";
$end = "";
$total = 0;
if($last->replies > 15){
$total = ceil(($last->replies) / 15);
if($total > 12){$total = 12;$end="... Last Page ";}
for ($i=1; $i<=$total; $i++) {
$pagez .= " ".$i." ";
$pagez .= $end;
$creater1 = mysql_query("SELECT gradient,effect FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '$last->createname'");
$creater = mysql_fetch_object($creater1);
if($creater->gradient != ""){
$span = "gradient."\"style=\"background: url(../img/grad/".$creater->effect.".gif)\">";
$spend = "";
$span= "" ; $spend = "";